For 10 years, Scala Days brings together developers, researchers, and companies to share their experiences and new ideas around creating applications with Scala and related technologies, like Spark, Kafka, and Akka. Scala Days provides a unique opportunity for Scala users to interact with the contributors to the language and related technologies and connect with fellow developers.
We are looking for talks covering different areas of Scala. Suggested topics for submissions include but are not limited to:
- Functional programming fundamentals
- Types
- Concurrency and parallelism
Experience reports
- Industrial adoption
- Open source
- Mentoring
- Teaching
- Community
Libraries and applications
- Distributed systems
- Machine learning
- Big data
- Databases
- Others
Programming methodologies
Security issues ## Tooling
Compilers and virtual machines
Testing frameworks
Build tools
Next generation tooling
Bell Harbor International Conference Center
2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98121, USA
18 May 2020