Propose a talk to Meetup PWA Paris

Communauté pour découvrir et partager sur les Progressives Web Apps à Paris

Suivez-nous sur twitter: @PwaParis

Rejoignez la communauté sur le Slack PWA Paris

Soumets tes idées de talks ici !

Nous sommes à la recherche de speakers ainsi que d'hébergeurs pour nos prochains Meetups et de sponsors ! Si tu es intéressé, contacte-nous !

Title of your talk
Duration of your talk
You can use markdown (flexmark) formatting.
Give a abstract for your talk, you should make orga and people listen at you
You can use markdown (flexmark) formatting.
A private message for orgas, give more details about you, your talk and why they should select you
Slides for your talk
Video of your talk
Main topics of your talk
Reference for your talk (in urls for example), Required pattern: [a-z0-9-_]+